Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The weatherman is a liar.

Well, once again the "rain" has not come, and surprisingly I have a day off to blog. Lately I have been noticing that there are alot of things I find online that I love, but no one else around be seems to be aware are there, So i figured that I would start a blog of the things I find {clothing, bands, homegoods, recipes, etc. } online and sometimes the things I am thinking, but only sometimes. This is my frist blog, so forgive me if it's a bit rough around the edges. I promise I shall smooth it all out soon =]

So, Here are a few things I have found that I thought would be interesting to share with all of you lovely people. I hope you enjoy darlings.

I was never good at sewing growing up, but Sublime Stitching makes me want to try {so I think I shall buy some of their patterns and try!} They have everything from Zombies to Chinese Take Out Boxes to Vital Organs {no, really!}.

This pillow is from Pillow Happy. I love sushi and I thought this pillow was absolutely adorable. The store also has alot of other cute pillows {among other things} that are worth checking out. The prices are very reasonable, and there are alot of styles to choose from. =]

Paper egg is a really cool idea. I mean really cool. You pay $20 a year and they'll send you two (or sometimes more) books from their publishing company Feather proof. You can't get a better deal than that! They pick out the books to send {which I think is neat}. I've never heard of any of the authors and that makes me very excited to read some of the stories.

Thats it for now! more to come later!